Miss Nederland 2019, Sharon Pieksma

Miss Nederland 2019, Sharon Pieksma
last two standing: Sharon and Fabiënne

1: Sharon Pieksma (Miss Universe 2019)

2: Fabiënne Davelaar

  • Leontien Berns
  • Terry Groenen
  • Lisa van Zuylen
  • Daphne Albers
  • Nastasija Popovic
  • Dalia Fawzy
  • Amal Lahmaj



  • Miss Social Media: Leontien Berns
  • Miss Congeniality: Daphne Albers


did not compete due to personal reasons:

  • Jeanin Marcus


did not compete due to modeling contract and replaced by Sharon Pieksma

  • Evy Marcovits
From left to right: Dalia, Daphne, Leontien, Fabiënne, Nastasija. Lisa, Amal and Terry