10 questions for: Floortje Timmer, Miss Teen of The Netherlands 2022

10 questions for: Floortje Timmer, Miss Teen of The Netherlands 2022

While every week new girls are crowned, who all hope to be named Miss Teen of The Netherlands 2023, we asked Miss Teen of The Netherlands 2022, Floortje Timmer 10 questions.

Who is Floortje Timmer?

My name is Floortje Wilhelmina Elizabeth Timmer, and I am 18 years old. I was born and raised in the province Utrecht and I also go to school in Utrecht. I study to become a beautician. I work in a clothing store and play field hockey 3 times a week. In my free time I love spending time with friends and family, and I love to go shopping! I also love everything that involves the pageant! I love helping with all the activities, that is when I am at my happiest!

When and why did you enter the world of beauty pageants?

I kept seeing the Miss Beauty of the Netherlands posts on Instagram, and I had no idea what it was. I really didn’t know a lot about pageants, I just thought it was pretty girls in dresses and heels. I saw many participants from previous years saying that this was the best thing they have ever experienced. They learned so much from it and made friends for life. I really wanted a new adventure in my life and when I signed up in November 2021 I never expected to get this far! Along the way I learned that pageants are about a lot more than just being pretty and walking with heels, to advocate where you stand for is also so important.

What is, in your opinion, the main difference between a teen-pageant and a beauty-pageant?

I wouldn’t say there is a lot of a difference, Of course the ages are different and the international pageants that are connected to the beauty category or the teen category. By Miss Beauty of the Netherlands the 2 category’s have the same training for the finals. Such as catwalk, dance and advocacy training. So there isn’t much difference in the journey to the finals, but because the girls in the beauty category are older. The organization asks harder questions during the prejudging and expect more from the misses.

What example would you like to be for teens in the Netherlands?

When I joined this pageant I was really insecure, I even found it to scary to post on my Instagram. I hated it when people had their opinion about me. So I would love to tell all the teens in the Netherlands: Don’t let others opinion about you keep you from doing what you love. I learned that in the end it doesn’t matter what people say about you, as long as you are happy, you’re doing the right thing. I also find my advocacy #letsberealnotperfect very important. I chose my advocacy because I found it really hard when scrolling through social media, to only see perfect picture’s. Why do we only post the perfect photo’s when in reality nobody is perfect. All those filters and edits are not realistic. I will definitely keep posting about my advocacy, because that is what I find most important. I want to inspire the new finalists to do the same, and to not be afraid to post about things you find important!

Social media  can be used for the good and for the bad. What would you say like to say to those who use it for the bad?

People that use social media to spread hate or fake news definitely should be stopped. For these people it’s important to see positive Instagram post and realize what they are doing is not for the better. It can be really dangerous and it is not something we should encourage. 

You represented the province of Utrecht, what makes Utrecht so special for you?

I had the honor to represented Utrecht at the national pageant, which was amazing! I think what makes it so special for me that I was born and raised in Utrecht. So living here for my entire live that is makes it so special. 

What message do you have for dutch girls who want to participate in a beauty pageant?

Don’t bring yourself down because there are a lot of other beautiful girls participating. You are your own beautiful person being so believe in yourself, you are capable of doing more than you think! Stay true to yourself, think about what you find most important, and what you want for others to hear. If your advocacy is about something what you really find important, than you can tell so much more about it. Also you should be extremely proud of yourself, even if you went to the casting day and you didn’t became a finalist. Don’t give up on the things you want to do!

What season would you say, suits you the best and why?

I think I would say winter, I absolutely hate the cold but there is something about the winter that is just so special! I love Christmas and being with friends and family doing that time of the year! My birthday is also in the winter and every year I go and do something fun on my special day. I think I chose winter through all the memories I have from it!

At an international pageant, how will you rise above the other participants so the people and the judges will notice you?

With always being myself. I think that that is one of my strong quality’s. I won the title Miss Teen of the Netherlands through hard work, courage and dedication. And when I fly to Cambodia to compete in Miss Teen International I am ready to give 200%. I will keep posting about my advocacy on my platform, #letsberealnotperfect will be seen by many and I believe that I can tell so much more people about it. 

When I am on a stage I feel comfortable to shine and smile, that is also one of my good quality’s. Due catwalk training my walk also has improved a lot, so on the stage I will definitely let them see what I have learned!

What about Floortje in 10 years?

In the next 10 years I hope I’m still happy and doing what I love to do! I hope me and the people I care about are still healthy. I hope I stay involved with Miss Beauty of the Netherlands! And I hope I get more experience in pageants! I got my beautician degree and have found my dream job. I also hope that by then I have my own house and I still get to spend a lot of time with my friends. I hope I have a big platform and signed to a modeling agency and work as a model! I hope I traveled the world and still get a lot of amazing opportunity’s. I also hope I can still raise money and give to charity’s.

Thank you Floortje for taking the time to answer our 10 questions. We wish you all the best for all what the future will bring.


Roy Froma
The Light Portraits

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