It was noisy, it was warm and it was exciting. Those are probably the 3 words that discribe the finals of Mister International Netherlands and Mister Senior Netherlands the best.
It was a packed house in Theatre “Het Kruispunt” in Barendrecht and the people were not afraid to shout who their favorites were. It were the fans of Sagar Bhageloe and Fransel Meyers who were both in the running for “The who can shout the loudest award”.
Some of the fans had brought vuvuzelas with them and they probably forgot that these instruments are not to be used indoors. Lucky for the other people in the audience, the host of the evening, the beautiful and lovely Leila Aigbedion asked them not to use them.
As it was already quite warm in The Netherlands that Friday, temperatures were rising and rising in Barendrecht. Especially when one of the singers during his show-block asked the audience to get out of their chair and start dancing. We have to say this part was not really the kind of show that we would expect at a national pageant that is watched by many fans all over the world.
After all rounds of competition were done, the judges were asked to make their final verdict. Who would win the 6th Mister International Netherlands pageant?
Our eyes were on the very well prepared and very friendly Sagar Bhageloe. He showed a very professional way of doing a male pageant. We met him at the Miss Indian Beauty pageant and we were very impressed by his attitude.
Also Fransel Meyers made a huge impression on us during these finals. He had one of the best bodies and his face was so strong during all rounds. Also his green shining suit made him one of those to watch.
Some of the others, that got our attention were Jozua, a good speaker, Matien, very charming and Bart, who could take it all.
After many, many awards, the top 5 was announced. Luckily for the audience both Sagar and Fransel made it into the top 5 but ended as 4th and 2nd runner-up. Bart became 3rd runner-up and the last two standing were: Levi and Marco.
Marco Ooms was crowned Mister International Netherlands and he will represent our country at the Mister International.
Marco did a very modest final, never made a mistake and looked very relaxed. He has a very fresh and young look that could well make him an outsider at the upcoming international pageant.
Before we forget, Richard Kersten won the Mister Senior pageant.
Lyron Martina, CEO of Mister International Netherlands, you did a great job again and we hope that you will be able to grow even further!
Sagar Bart Fransel Marco Levi
Top Foto:Marjan Maasdam Fotografie
Potraits: Puur Robert
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